Expo Real 2019 - Systematized in construction. Diverse in design.

Under this motto, the Max Bögl Group welcomes its visitors to EXPO REAL, Europe's largest trade fair for real estate and investment in Munich, from 7 to 9 October.

Expo Real 2019 - Systematized in construction. Diverse in design.


Innovative developments for megatrends

Represented for the first time with its own exhibition stand, the Max Bögl Group will be presenting its own developments on topics such as urbanisation and mobility, thus making a solution-oriented contribution to the megatrends of our time. Visitors to the fair can thus draw inspiration not only from modular residential and office buildings and hotels, but also from systemised multi-storey car parks and halls. In addition, an exclusive impression of the Bögl transport system is guaranteed. True to the trade fair slogan, the diverse design possibilities of the systematised products will also be demonstrated - for example different façade designs or equipment variants.


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Mr. Stefan Forster (second from right) from the renowned architectural firm "Stefan Forster Architekten" in a press conference on the subject of modular/systematised construction.
Photo: Max Bögl Group


„One step further“ – The new exhibition hall A3

In keeping with the forward-looking orientation of the Max Bögl Group, the exhibition stand is located in Hall A3. The NOVA³, as the new hall A3 is also called, is a new trade fair concept where everything revolves around the topic of innovation. The new concept will be supported by strong partners from the established real estate sector who represent the entire value chain and have made innovation a strategic priority.


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EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger visited Max Bögl on the first day of the fair and gained new impressions on the topics of urbanisation and mobility (from left to right: Dr. Bert Zamzow (Head of TSB), Mr Stefan Bögl (Chairman of the Board), Mr Günther Oettinger (EU Commissioner for Budget and Personnel) and Mr Max Bögl (Partner)
Photo: Max Bögl Group


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Photo: Max Bögl Group


The Max Bögl experts from the fields of living, building construction and mobility are looking forward to lively discussions on topics that are currently and in the future of the real estate industry - Hall A3, Stand No. 324.


Modulares System

Bereits während der Objektplanung kann die Firmengruppe Max Bögl mit der Hybriden Bahnbrücke Bögl Teil der Lösung sein. Konzipiert für ein- und zweigleisige Bahnbrücken mit Spannweiten bis zu 15 Metern und niedriger Bauhöhe, vereint die hybride Bauweise der Bahnbrücke die klassischen Vorteile der Baustoffe Stahl und Beton. Durch die industrielle Fertigung im Werk lassen sich die einzelnen Systembauteile kontinuierlich vorfertigen, in einem Bauhof bevorraten und vor Ort durch ihre Kombination zu unterschiedlichen Individualbauwerken in kürzester Bauzeit zusammenfügen.

Modulares System


  • Segmentiertes System: Transport auf Straße oder Schiene
  • Industrielle Vorfertigung: hohe Qualität und Genauigkeit der Bauteile
  • Standardisierte Baugruppen, Produktion und Bauweise: kontrollierter Produktionsprozess, kurze Bauzeit, Anlieferung und Montage just in time
  • Einhaltung des Regeloberbaus der Gleise: einfache Wartung und Instandhaltung
  • BIM-basierter Prozess: effiziente Ausnutzung der digitalen Wertschöpfungskette während des gesamten Bauwerkslebenszyklus
  • Produktion und Montage auch durch Lizenzpartner







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