First use of slab track Bögl in Israel


Highspeed between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem:

In 2001, Israel began building a fast rail link between the metropolises of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. With the commissioning of the electrified high-speed railway line, the journey time, which on the previous historic railway route is around one and a half hours, will be reduced to one third.

First use of slab track Bögl in Israel


In 2015, the Israeli Railways decided to implement the FFB - Bögl ballastless track system on a section of around 23 km in length. As a further milestone for the overall completion, the superstructure work could now be completed and accepted in September 2018.



In addition to the existing single-track Jaffa-Jerusalem railway line, the country's largest infrastructure project is approaching completion after construction begins in 2001. The new double-track electrified railway line runs from Tel Aviv via Ben Gurion International Airport to Jerusalem in 30 minutes. The northern part of the approximately 56 km long line runs in tunnels and over bridges due to the mountainous topography existing there. These individual structures are among the longest and highest viaducts or longest and deepest tunnels in the country. This section with a length of around 23 km, including the new underground station in Jerusalem, was equipped with the Bögl ballastless track system. The southern section to Tel-Aviv, in which the Max Bögl Group was not involved, was constructed conventionally as a ballasted track.


The FFB superstructure system was originally developed and approved for railway lines with a design speed of up to 350 km/h. The FFB system was designed as a conventional ballasted superstructure with a maximum design speed of up to 350 km/h. The FFB system was originally developed and approved for railway lines with a design speed of up to 350 km/h. Although the trains on the new line should only reach speeds of up to 160 km/h, the Israeli Railways decided to build the Bögl slab track due to many other advantages. Durability, freedom from maintenance, availability, safety and driving comfort were the decisive criteria for this forward-looking decision. The contract for the production and installation of the FF Bögl system was awarded to the Max Bögl group of companies together with the Israeli company Electra Ltd. as a long-standing partner. In the course of this major project, a production facility for tunnel segments for the production of track supporting slabs near the line was converted by the end of 2015. The entire production technology, such as grinding machines and formwork, was transported to Israel by ship. After a subsequent two-month trial operation, series production of the approximately 7,000 pre-stressed prefabricated panels started in March 2016.


Once the Israeli partner had established the conditions for installation, the Bögl slab track was laid in several sections between October 2016 and July 2018. After completion of the rail assembly and successful acceptance of the ballastless track, this already electrified section was inaugurated in September by representatives of the Israeli government and the railways. Quality, track position and ride comfort fully met the expectations of the client. At present, only the section equipped with the Bögl ballastless track system is used by electric locomotives. The electrification of the rest of the line is still ongoing.


Rebekka Forchheimer
Deputy Head of Public Relations
Phone: +49 9181 909-10714

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