New residential quarter in Manching


Modular building has many facets:

In Manching near Ingolstadt, a residential complex with 115 apartments including an underground car park is being built under the aspect of responsible redensification. The client GBW opted for the maxmodul construction system from Max Bögl, which intelligently complements economic and ecological aspects.

New residential quarter in Manching


The sustainably designed residential building on Ingolstädter Strasse is divided into six L-shaped individual buildings with four or five storeys and a wide variety of floor plans. The apartment types range from a 3-module single apartment to a 4-room apartment with balcony or (roof) terrace. In the course of the attractive residential building project with around 7,400 square metres of living space, five children's playgrounds and spacious green areas will be built on the former garage courtyard.



Holistic planning and construction execution

The architectural planning was carried out by BLAUWERK Architekten from Munich. The construction method in the maxmodul system, the choice of materials and the redesign of the living environment were specified and elaborated in consultation with the architect's office and the client in the bidding, planning and execution process.

In addition to all structural and design considerations, a contemporary modular construction project should have the aim of harmonising resources and resources, people and the environment and implementing socio-economic themes. The holistic planning and execution of all facets of maxmodul's construction projects is a complex undertaking - but a forward-looking way of achieving economic and social goals for buildings and projects worth living in.



Fast, efficient and digital

Through continuous improvement, digital planning and efficient construction, it has been possible to improve the planning quality and increase the efficiency of module and wet cell production in the company's own plant as well as on the construction site. This means that thanks to the database-driven planning and parts lists, information can reach the right contact persons quickly and promptly. Components arrive on time and just in time at the respective workplace in the modern construction factory or on the construction site. The introduction of this system initially required additional effort on the part of all involved. From the hardware and software to the qualification of the employees to the maintenance of the digital model, all work processes had to be decisively changed - a real "cultural change" was necessary at maxmodul.

With the GBW Manching project, the digitisation process at Max Bögl became an integral part of planning and execution at the plant and on the construction site. Cooperative work - from industrial production to assembly - requires all data to be compatible with each other. Here, the project shows that completely new possibilities for planning and building the future are already opening up.



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Um eine gleichbleibende Qualität unserer Produkte und Abläufe zu gewährleisten, werden entsprechende Vorgaben definiert. Damit wird konkret und verständlich festgelegt, was von wem wie zu tun ist. Die Vorgaben lassen sich mittels einer IT-Anwendung jederzeit digital einsehen. Die Kernprozesse sind beispielsweise mit Hilfe der maxlandkarte prozessorientiert dokumentiert.

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