Moving metropolises with the TSB – Transport System Bögl


Max Bögl Group receives order for new maglev local public transport system from China.

Max Bögl recognized the global trend towards urbanization with all the resulting challenges years ago. In order to offer a forward-looking solution for the increasing demand for inner-city mobility, the TSB - Transport System Bögl was developed as a new local transport system ready for series production. For the successful introduction of the technology on the national and international market, a long-term sales partnership has now been agreed with a Chinese partner company.

Moving metropolises with the TSB – Transport System Bögl

The Max Bögl Group has signed a cooperation agreement with the Chinese company Chengdu Xinzhu Road & Bridge Machinery Co Ltd. The contract provides for the construction of a 3.5-kilometer test track in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, in order to approve the magnetic rail system in China. Xinzhu will also exclusively market and produce the system in China with the aim of realizing numerous application routes there. "We are very pleased that we have succeeded in entering the Chinese market with this cooperation," said CEO Stefan Bögl at the signing of the contract. "With our new technology we have a very attractive, environmentally friendly and above all cost-efficient offer for the growing mobility in metropolises".

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Innovative overall system for environmentally friendly local transport

In recent years Max Bögl has developed the TSB - Transport System Bögl on its own initiative and brought it to series production readiness on the basis of magnetic rail technology. The group already operates a test track at its headquarters in Sengenthal. For more than 15 years Max Bögl has been developing and supplying technically leading track systems for high-speed trains and magnetic trains. Trains travel at speeds of up to 380 km/h across China and Europe on more than 10,000 kilometres on the FFB slab track system - Bögl ballastless track.

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Successful test phase in Sengenthal

On the basis of this experience, Max Bögl has developed a completely new, proprietary magnetic track system consisting of track, vehicles and operating control technology. It is designed for local public transport with a distance of up to 30 kilometres and a speed of 150 km/h. Since 2012 Max Bögl has been testing the new system on the 820 metre long, in-house test track at the company headquarters in Sengenthal. After a test drive of over 65,000 kilometres and more than 100,000 journeys, the approval procedure is currently underway in Germany.

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