statische Seiten

Det er muligt at sende fakturaer elektronisk pr email. For at en faktura kan modtages elektronisk, skal følgende punkter være opfyldt:

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a working method in the construction industry for the optimized planning, execution and management of buildings and other structures. The focus is on the digital provision of project information. Various models form the basis for the central administration and dissemination of data. It is important to note that BIM is not software, but a working method designed to facilitate cooperation between all parties involved in a construction project throughout its entire lifecycle. BIM allows information and data in the project to be stored centrally in a 3D model. These can be called up throughout the entire project and are transported loss-free throughout the entire process. As a result, the respective project phases - from acquisition to warranty - can be coordinated more smoothly. The way for modern project management can thus be ensured from the first draft to the operation of the building.

The construction industry is changing. Economies of scale, cost pressure, quality requirements and the realisation of construction projects at record speed are decisive competitive criteria. In order to counteract these challenges, we have embarked on the path towards industrialized construction. Lean management and quality form the basis for change. In order to anchor the lean philosophy in the company, maxlean was introduced in the Max Bögl Group.

The maxlandkarte is the new tool for standardized project management at Max Bögl Group. With the introduction of this uniform processing standard, which can be consulted by every employee, we want to achieve many things: improved internal and external cooperation, increased transparency in processing and noticeable relief for our employees. And finally, securing the future viability of our Max Bögl Group. The maxlandkarte is the new tool for optimised project management.

Byggeindustrien er under forandring. Digitalisering og øget effektivitet er nødvendige tendenser. Her kan man kun være med, hvis man har dygtige medarbejdere. Vi er stolte af vores medarbejdere og anser dem for at være den vigtigste bestanddel af vores virksomhed.

Uanset om du er elev, lærling, student, nyuddannet eller har mange års erhvervserfaring. Kan du lide at tage fat? Vil du gerne fremskynde din karriere? Kan du lide at arbejde sammen med andre? Så kom til virksomhedsgruppen Max Bögl, og lad os sammen bygge fremskridt ud fra visioner!

We are proud of our employees and regard them as the most important component of our company. We therefore invest heavily in our employees: Motivating managers, a wide range of further training measures, comprehensive social benefits and attractive remuneration models are key elements of our employee policy. Find out what makes us a great employer and build the future with us!

Are you about to graduate? We are the right place to start your career. We offer students interesting commercial, technical and industrial apprenticeships, dual studies or student internships - find your dream job!

With many benefits we try to accompany and support our trainees and dual students at the best on their way.

Vil du nu langt om længe omsætte teori til praksis? Til studerende Max Bögl masser af tilbud i den henseende: Praktik, studenterjobs eller afsluttende specialer. Lær spændende arbejdsområder at kende, og få værdifuld erhvervserfaring!

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Helhedsorienterede løsninger

Ud over selve byggeriet af haller med eksisterende konstruktionsplan tilbyder Max Bögl også rådgivning og planlægning i alle projektets faser. På den måde kan du konfigurere din hal individuelt sammen med vores eksperter, og tilpasse den præcist til dine egne behov.

  • Behovsanalyse
  • Skitseplanlægning
  • Detaljeplanlægning
  • Tilbud
  • Kontraktunderskrivelse
  • Byggestart
  • Færdiggørelse
  • Efterservice
Helhedsorienterede løsninger

Intelligent modulsystem

Du skal forestille dig konstruktionen af halbygningerne som et slags samlesæt bestående af enkelte moduler. De enkelte bestanddele som f.eks. søjler, gulvbjælker og spærfag passer altid præcist ind i hinanden og kan forbindes med hinanden og udvides på mange forskellige måder. Således opstår der hele tiden nye bygninger alt efter kundens ønsker. Denne konstruktionsmetode kan bruges til både små og store byggeprojekter og passer til alle haltyper - uanset om hallen skal bruges til produktion, handel, lager eller logistik (med eller uden kontorenheder). Systemet bliver ganske enkelt tilpasset.

Intelligent modulsystem

Fordele ved halsystemet Bögl

System med plads til individualitet - masser af forskellige indretningsmuligheder

crane systems




racking systems

floor coating

fire detection technology


light domes


Gross storey area 25,000 m²

Production Hall Stahlo in Gera


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