Grouft and Stafelter road tunnels


Large station on the "Nordstrooss". On 23 September 2015, the "Route du Nord", the A7 northern motorway, was officially opened in Luxembourg after 18 years of construction. The last section of the north road, which runs over 33.3 kilometres from Kirchberg to above Diekirch, between Lorentzweiler and Waldhof, with the Grouft and Stafelter road tunnels, went into operation.

Grouft and Stafelter road tunnels

Equipped with intelligent safety technology according to the latest standards, both core structures in the southern section of the "Nordstrooss" are among the most modern tunnels in the world. The central tunnel construction division of Max Bögl in Arge was responsible for the realisation of the 2,966 metre long Grouft tunnel (completion 2010) and the 1,850 metre long Stafelter tunnel (completion 2013). With the commissioning of the motorway, the journey time between Luxembourg City and the municipality of Mersch, north of the capital in the Alzette Valley, will be reduced to around 20 minutes.

Totalentreprenør på BaseCamp Lyngby, som vinder Årets Byggeri 2020

Totalentreprenør på BaseCamp Lyngby, som vinder Årets Byggeri 2020


Max Bögl har i samspil med JFP stået som totalentreprenør for det spektakulære byggeri BaseCamp Lyngby, som snor sig elegant igennem det omkringliggende landskab.

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Max Bögl og JFP afleverer gigantbyggeriet BaseCamp Lyngby til tiden

Max Bögl og JFP afleverer gigantbyggeriet BaseCamp Lyngby til tiden


Max Bögl afleverede sammen med JFP gigantbyggeriet, BaseCamp Lyngby til tiden den 1. september. Med 41.150 m2 og coronakrise som del af byggeperioden, er det bemærkelsesværdigt.

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Siemens Gamesa and Max Bögl Wind AG sign partnership agreement

Siemens Gamesa and Max Bögl Wind AG sign partnership agreement


Increased profitability of wind power projects. Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, one of the world’s leading wind turbine manufacturers, and the German hybrid tower producer, Max Bögl Wind AG, have agreed …

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