There are more than 25,000 railway bridges in Germany. Around one third of these are in poor condition, and 1,100 bridges are so badly damaged that instead of being rehabilitated only demolition and new construction are acceptable. For the replacement of structures with short spans, Max Bögl now offers a modular system, the Hybrid Railway Bridge, which fully exploits the advantages of serial production in terms of construction time, quality and economy.


Totalentreprenør på BaseCamp Lyngby, som vinder Årets Byggeri 2020

Totalentreprenør på BaseCamp Lyngby, som vinder Årets Byggeri 2020


Max Bögl har i samspil med JFP stået som totalentreprenør for det spektakulære byggeri BaseCamp Lyngby, som snor sig elegant igennem det omkringliggende landskab.

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Max Bögl og JFP afleverer gigantbyggeriet BaseCamp Lyngby til tiden

Max Bögl og JFP afleverer gigantbyggeriet BaseCamp Lyngby til tiden


Max Bögl afleverede sammen med JFP gigantbyggeriet, BaseCamp Lyngby til tiden den 1. september. Med 41.150 m2 og coronakrise som del af byggeperioden, er det bemærkelsesværdigt.

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Siemens Gamesa and Max Bögl Wind AG sign partnership agreement

Siemens Gamesa and Max Bögl Wind AG sign partnership agreement


Increased profitability of wind power projects. Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, one of the world’s leading wind turbine manufacturers, and the German hybrid tower producer, Max Bögl Wind AG, have agreed …

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