Industrialization of residential construction


In Germany, affordable housing is scarce and tens of thousands of apartments are lacking. The result is significant increases in rents and bottlenecks, especially in large cities and university towns, conurbations and rural districts close to cities. Low-income households in particular, but increasingly also middle-income households, have difficulties finding affordable housing. The current situation therefore calls for swift action on the part of all concerned. The aim is to significantly intensify new housing construction and to increase it from 270,000 today to at least 350,000 apartments a year in the future.

Industrialization of residential construction


Major challenges for politics and business

According to the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), the main reason for the pressure on housing markets is internal migration within Germany. More and more people in East and West are leaving rural areas and small towns to settle in the metropolises. The strong influx of refugees and their integration into our society is an additional challenge for politics and business. And with the arrival of the baby-boomers into retirement age, the demand for age-appropriate housing will increase. As an immediate measure, the Federal Government introduced the so-called rent brake at the beginning of June 2015. It is designed to effectively protect those seeking housing in tense housing markets from disproportionately high increases in rents for re-rents. In addition, funds for social housing construction were again increased. Over the next two years, EUR 500 million will be made available from federal funds for urgently needed social housing construction, and from January 2017 over EUR 1.5 billion.

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Ten-point programme to combat housing shortages

But the rent brake and financial support from the federal states alone are not enough to create affordable housing and boost housing construction in the future. The Federal Government has therefore developed the "Housing Initiative" from the recommendations of the Alliance for Affordable Housing and Building under the leadership of the BMUB. The core of the proposal is a ten-point programme which has been drawn up in cooperation with the Länder, central municipal associations, the housing and construction industries and other social players and is now to be implemented step by step.

Increased use of serial housing concepts

For the Main Association of the German Construction Industry, the key to eliminating housing bottlenecks lies not only in readjusting the framework conditions and introducing uniform building regulations throughout Germany, but also in the greater industrialisation of housing construction. By optimising planning (e.g. structured floor plans) and production processes (e.g. greater digitalisation), combined with the increased use of prefabricated elements, the desired cost reduction effects can be achieved - without having to compromise on architectural quality. Companies such as Max Bögl are already offering residential buildings in serial modular construction with their specially developed residential construction system maxmodul, which offers living space with high living comfort quickly and cost-effectively.

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Advanced residential construction with maxmodul

Based on many years of experience and competence in high-precision precast concrete construction, the group of companies has positioned itself as an important driving force with technically and qualitatively convincing concepts from a single source. Innovative products such as maxmodul show how high-quality, yet cost-effective precast concrete room modules can make a significant contribution to the faster elimination of housing bottlenecks. The modular construction system can be applied flexibly and in almost unlimited variety and variability to numerous floor plans and building concepts and allows barrier-free building structures with residential forms for singles through to families. High structural quality, short planning and production times, low energy consumption and diverse configuration options: Max Bögl's modular overall concept takes the most diverse customer wishes into account and impresses with its individual coordination of the latest technologies and building material technologies - not only environmentally friendly, but also technically sophisticated and ecologically sensible. Careful in-house consulting and conception in close consultation with the client ensures compliance with all planning and building regulations, taking into account the latest energy technology standards. Through the expansion of serial production at the headquarters in Sengenthal and at the other prefabrication plants of the company group distributed throughout Germany, the entire federal territory can be served - with an annual production capacity of up to 80,000 square metres of living space.

Fast, high-quality, flexible, reasonably priced

The highest possible and consistent quality of the basic modules is achieved through integrated planning using the latest CAD and BIM technologies as well as weather and season-independent series production in the factory. The precise and fast assembly of the components with prefabricated extension elements enables a short construction time without costly site equipment and thus a reliable cost and schedule adherence. After the individual modules have been assembled by our own trained specialists, only final interior finishing work and assembly of the building shell are carried out on site. Even after completion of the buildings, the possibilities are not exhausted. Supplementary modules can react quickly to changing customer wishes and requirements and expand existing units.

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